Virtual Assemblies Offer Students Opportunity to Stay Connected
The last month of school would normally begin with a traditional May Day performance by the ‘Iolani May Day Court, faculty, students, and many others. A bright campus would be filled with the aloha spirit with everyone donning their aloha attire. In the last few weeks would come the athletic commencement ceremony, the yearbook dedication ceremony, and spring honors day. Many graduating seniors and students are recognized for the countless hours of effort they put into their respective activities. However, with distance learning being implemented, these events have taken on a new shape. With help from the Audio and Visual Office (AV) and the faculty and staff, students are still receiving the recognition they deserve. Although it is not mandatory for students to attend, many who enjoy entertainment and celebrating their peers accomplishments look forward to these event streams.
May Day 2020 was pre-recorded and compiled by the AV Office and then streamed live on YouTube the exact day and time we would normally have the assembly. Positive comments and compliments were pouring in on the YouTube Live Stream Chat from fellow classmates, teachers, and staff. Uniquely, students involved in the May Day Court were able to find green, serene locations to dance with nature surrounding them. Whether it was in their own backyard or at Hoʻomaluhia Botanical Garden, each student had the lush beauty of the islands with them as they passionately danced hula.
The upcoming athletic commencement ceremony and yearbook dedication ceremony are looking to go live next week. Using a combination of pre-recorded and live video, ʻIolani School will be posting the majority of the videos to YouTube live streams similarly to May Day. The athletic ceremony recognizes distinguished and devoted athletes to their respective sports. The yearbook dedication ceremony reveals the dedicatee(s) of the year and also the year’s theme. Exciting as it is, the clapping of hands and cheering will end up either in the live stream chat or personally in everyone’s “learning space”.
Check out the RaiderLife emails and the ‘Iolani YouTube page to keep apprised of the coming, thrilling events!